Question: What spiritual 1984 Ralph Macchio movie featured the somnolent stylings of pan flutist Zamfir?
Wax on, wax off. Sand the floor. Paint the fence. Paint the house. The Karate Kid was one of my favorite movies growing up. I just happened to be flipping through channels this afternoon and caught it on the ABC Family channel. Even though I own the DVD, I haven't actually watched this movie in at least 5 years. I wasn't surprised, however, that I remembered almost all of the lines. What I didn't remember, was the horrible fashion from the movie. If Ralph Macchio's pants were pulled up any higher or were any shorter, he never would have been able to do all of that physical labor that taught him the karate moves. Elizabeth Shue's big hair was also quite funny and really took over entire scenes.
The walls of my room were covered with pictures of Ralph Macchio when I was about 6 years old. He and Ricky Schroeder were the dream guys in my young girl world. Watching The Karate Kid again today, I can see that Ralph Macchio actually became my "type" of guy as I grew older. I have always been attracted to impossibly skinny, somewhat tall, dark-haired, borderline nerdy guys (just like my husband--I love you, honey!). Seeing the scenes of Daniel-San in the ocean learning to balance made me laugh at exactly how skinny he really was.
The Karate Kid has some really great lessons to learn throughout the movie beyond how to properly wax a car. Patience, trust, and hard work triumph in the end over the bad guys. This is a story we can all appreciate and a philosophy everyone should live by. Thank you, Mr. Miyagi, for teaching us all a little something. After watching the movie, I feel like I can accomplish anything like catching a fly in chopsticks and I won't be "squish...like a grape."
Answer: The Karate Kid