Back before Tom Cruise seemingly lost his mind and started jumping on Oprah's couch, he was a hot young actor with the "need for speed". I can't count how many times my college roommate and I watched the movie Top Gun just for the volleyball scene alone. Back before Tom went crazy, he was one hot guy that picked the right movies and made the women swoon.

That begs the question why there was never a Top Gun 2. It seems like all successful movies spawn at least one sequel. Obviously they tied up pretty much all the loose ends in the original, but that's never stopped a movie from having a sequel before. So I did a little bit of research and found out this little tidbit I thought I'd share with you from the IMDB page on Top Gun:
A script for "Top Gun 2" was completed shortly after the release of the film, but it broke down in pre-production because 1) the military's technology had become updated and they didn't want camera crew anywhere near their new aircraft and 2) Cruise did not want a sequel and finally agreed to star in one for a very high amount that was deemed "unaffordable." The script followed the further adventures of Maverick as an instructer at the Top Gun academy, the twist being a cocky female reminiscent of himself joining the team
That description sounds to me like the typical plot device for a sequel, so maybe it's a good idea they didn't end up filming and releasing the sequel. What do you think? What would make a good Top Gun 2 script and who would you want to star in it now? Leave me some comments!
Answer: Ray-Ban
1 comment:
If only we could have that tom cruise back.
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