Do you

The Doozers made their sugar buildings that were tasty. Gobo seemed to be the leader of the lovable Fraggles, but all the girls knew that Red really called the shots. And who couldn't love a wise trash heap? The advice dispensed by the compost was always right on and helped the Faggles understand the lesson of their predicaments.
It was a weekly ritual for me to watch Fraggle Rock. My mom taught guitar lessons when I was little. My friend Tara's brother Jerry took lessons from her and Tara would also come over. We watched Fraggle Rock and pretended we were the Fraggles. I, of course, was Red and Tara would be Mokey. We'd laugh and my mom would make us Rock Candy so we could eat a "Doozer building" as we watched the show. Things were so much simpler back then.
Imagine my surprise as I noticed a DVD of Fraggle Rock in the bargain bin at Walmart. I immediately snapped it up for my son. it was really for me, but it was under the guise of buying it for my son. I brought it home and we watched it. My son was not impressed. I blame Pixar movies for his lack of interest. Oh, well. I think I'll go watch it right now since he's not home.
Answer: Fraggle Rock
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